Hillcrest-Bruce Mission
Non Profit Organizations
The purpose of the Mission is to provide "compassion" for the most vulnerable population that cannot take care of themselves and provide "help" in the form of education, training, mentorship and advice for those that are able and want to improve themselves and their situation. Our programs consist of:
• Essential Needs (Housing Assistance, Transportation Assistance, Child Care Assistance, Food Pantry, Fresh Fruit/Vegetables/Breads, Clothing/Underwear Closet, Cleaning, Hygiene & Diapers Pantry, Bedding Pantry, Kitchenware & Small Appliance Pantry, Housewares/Home Décor Pantry, Furniture Pantry, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, Adopt-a-Child/Senior Christmas Gift Program, Christmas Store & Toys-for-Tots)
• Health Needs (Healthy Living Program that helps with Dental Work & Dentures, Eye Exams & Glasses and Hearing Aids for those with no insurance; Full Dental Services for those with Kentucky Insurance; Women's AA Group, NA Group, Nutrition & Cooking Classes, Medicare/Medicaid Insurance Info, Mobile Counseling & Therapy, HIV/Hep-C Testing, Vaccination Clinics, NARCAN Training, Peer Support and Recovery Coaching)
• Educational/Employment Needs (Preschool, GED Classes, FAFSA, Scholarship & College Application Assistance, Academic Advising, College Prep Classes, Tutoring, Financial Literacy Classes, Resume & Interview Assistance, Job Search & Referral, Driver Permit Classes, Mentoring)
• Social/Spiritual Needs (Homemakers, Crafting Group, Bingo, Grief Support Group, Ladies Bible Studies, Men’s Group, Youth Summer Camp)
We help everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and marital/family status.
Hillcrest Bruce United Methodist Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Additional Info
Full-Time Employees : 0